Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One Year and One Week

One year and one week after I started my weight loss journey I finally weighed in at 130.8! Now I have to be 130.0 to be at my 'goal' with WW but that's only .8 away. Then I'll have to maintain for 6 weeks to be eligible for Lifetime...which means I do not have to pay for WW as long as I weigh in with them once a month.

Weight at home: 129.5!!
Weight at WW: 130.8
Weekly loss: -1.4lbs (WHAT THE HECK?!)
Total weight loss: -30.4lbs

I changed the where I was walking. Added hills but the distance is the same. We area also walking the same distance in less time! I am definitely feeling motivated to keep walking. My friend did a good thing in suggesting we change where we walked, not only for our safety (we did the same route and the same time but different days), but for a change in our routine. I mean it totally showed.

I even ate TEXAS BBQ on Friday night. I did not count those points. :P