Saturday, April 27, 2013

10lbs until pre-prego weight!

Yesterday was the easiest day so far of eating less. I think I even had 2 points left over. I remember now that once you start to get the hang of Weight Watchers it is easier to add in 0 point or 1 point foods. We made our own fruit salad and it was yummy. Well except for the fact that husband put too much lemon juice and I winched each bite. 

I also hit my 10,000 steps again yesterday. I am getting closer each day though. I usually hit 8000-9000 steps. On Thursday when I met my friend we walked her neighborhood with lots of hills. They were hard but they felt good. AND I felt them yesterday and still some today. I attempted walking yesterday but E was getting fidgety after lap so I went home. I needed to run some errands so I could get the rest of the walking done there. 

Like the title says I am officially 10 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight! So far my decrease in calories has not affected my supply either. That is a big concern of decreasing calories while breastfeeding. 

Overall I feel good and I feel lighter. Though I wish I already at least fit in my jeans again without having a muffin top. 

Today we aren't going to be home much with some family and friends things we have going on. Will have to pay close attention to my food and bring my snacks with me. Adios.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

thinking thinking thinking

The thing with consuming less calories for me is THINKING about how I can't eat whatever I want. I think about food way more than I did when I could eat whatever. This I know is part of my alcoholic mind. I know my thinking is different but I am sure others can relate to a sort of obsession of thinking about food when you can't have it. When you first get sober you think about alcohol a lot. I mean it was what you looked forward to, what your body wanted and when you don't get it anymore well you tend to obsess. I know I have that with food on some level. There are Overeaters Anonymous meetings but I like my AA program. I have no desire to do another 12 steps for eating.

I know why Weight Watchers gives nursing moms 14 extra points...because we are still sooooo effing hungry!! I would only get 26 points not nursing but with only breastfeeding I get 40! I use them all too! Today has been hard hunger wise.

It was unseasonably cold this morning so I didn't walk when I normally do. I waited until about 3pm which made it a crisp 52 degrees. I walked 2.09 miles. The last .2 was with a baby in my arms. E got upset at the end so I carried her the part. It was hard. I wish I got extra points or steps for CARRYING a baby. I am walking with my friend tomorrow morning. We are going to breakfast after that. I went ahead and looked at their menu so I could plan ahead what I was going to order. Yay for planning.

My weakness is sweets. I love Dr. Pepper too. I found the smaller tiny cans of the regular Dr. Pepper so I can still have my fix. I should buy a few Diet Cokes too. Diet Coke is 0 WW points.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Weekend & Weight Watchers

My husband took G & C camping this weekend. I went out there during the day for a few hours. I was excited because I thought I would be out there long enough to get my 10,000 steps in. I got my fitbit in the mail last Monday and had yet to get 10,000 steps, which is the recommended amounts of steps everyone is supposed to do per day. I failed at getting that many steps in either day. I was disappointed because we went on a nature walk and just stood around the camp site. I finally got my 10,000 steps in yesterday. That included a 1.78 mile walk with E, laundry, cleaning the house, and the still walking ~700 steps in the house just to get over the 10,000 mark! I was tired. I will work my way up to more walking with E though. She enjoys the walks and usually falls asleep.

I took a picture of myself in my new swimsuit. I haven't bought a swimsuit since 2007. And it covered my stomach. This does not. Oy! I am not happy with how I look. But I
am working on it.