Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Crazy crazy

I did not watch what I ate yesterday. I was okay with gaining weight because I just wanted to eat. I think I went over by 20pts! I got on the scale and it said 148.8!! What the heck?! I lost weight!! Woot!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Weigh in #6

It was a good weigh in! 149.8! My scale said 149.4 so I was surprised to see it say 149.8. My total weight loss at Weight Watchers is 11.6lbs! Very exciting. I didn't to anything really that different. Just walked and ate better food instead of high point bad foods. I haven't walked since Sunday because I haven't been able to, but I will on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. I'll do my 5 mile workout on Sunday probably. Maybe Monday. I stayed in my points yesterday. I usually go over but I wanted a good weigh in. :)

I started the 30 Day Ab Challenge. I know that you won't be able to seeee the results of the abs because I still have a layer of fat on top of them, but I like feeling the burn in my legs and abs the next day. I actually have been doing the workout twice a day. I have my hubby doing it with me also. He asked to join me.