Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weigh In Day!

Weight at Home: 134.9
Weight at WW: 135.4
Week Weight Loss: -2.0 lbs
Total weight loss: 25.8 lbs!

I am closing in on my goal again. I am still 2 lbs away from being away from where I was right before Thanksgiving. I am the same as I was 10/23/2013. I just keep moving forward.

I feel skinnier. I feel skinny. I feel lighter. My stomach is still mushy. I guess that won't fully go away unless I am 120 lbs. I don't know if I want to be 120 lbs. I might want to be 125. I will see once I get to 130. Which seems attainable. It doesn't seem so scary anymore. It used to feel like I'd never get there. Yay!

So my goal is to get inches off my stomach. I'd like to be 34 or 35 by the summer. That is 1-2 more inches. I have no idea if it will happen, but it's at least something to have in mind. :)

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