A little about me. I am 31 year old from Oklahoma but have resided in Texas for 10 years. I am a wife to a crazy/super cool husband & mother to 3 beautiful children. I am a stay at home mom, recovering alcoholic (sober 3 years), and creator of crafts. My kiddos: G is 6 and in the 1st grade, C is 4 and in preschool, and E is 7 weeks old. E is part of the reason I am loosing weight. After G, I lost all by 10lbs of my baby weight. After C, I lost all of the baby weight but still had the 10lbs from G. Currently I am 159 lbs. I gained 34lbs with E. I was up to 179. My goal weight is 130. It is where I am comfortable. I haven't been 130 since about 2007.
What am I doing to loose weight? I am a runner but it's not possible for me to run right now. So I walk. I bought a fitbit and it's a great motivator. I am starting Weight Watchers on Tuesday. I would rather change my food ways than working out a lot. I have always done well on Weight Watchers so I am excited to start. Plus I like the meetings even though I don't say anything. It reminds me a lot of AA meetings. The reason I chose this name for my blog is because right now I don't have much love for my body. I feel gross. My clothes don't fit very well and I refuse to buy new clothes. The AA meeting on Tuesday was about Love and Tolerance of myself. I want to love my body even if I am not at my goal weight yet. I really do not like this picture of myself and I have never put a picture like this of myself on the internet. But here goes. Here is the before picture: