I also hit my 10,000 steps again yesterday. I am getting closer each day though. I usually hit 8000-9000 steps. On Thursday when I met my friend we walked her neighborhood with lots of hills. They were hard but they felt good. AND I felt them yesterday and still some today. I attempted walking yesterday but E was getting fidgety after lap so I went home. I needed to run some errands so I could get the rest of the walking done there.
Like the title says I am officially 10 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight! So far my decrease in calories has not affected my supply either. That is a big concern of decreasing calories while breastfeeding.
Overall I feel good and I feel lighter. Though I wish I already at least fit in my jeans again without having a muffin top.
Today we aren't going to be home much with some family and friends things we have going on. Will have to pay close attention to my food and bring my snacks with me. Adios.