My husband took G & C camping this weekend. I went out there during the day for a few hours. I was excited because I thought I would be out there long enough to get my 10,000 steps in. I got my fitbit in the mail last Monday and had yet to get 10,000 steps, which is the recommended amounts of steps everyone is supposed to do per day. I failed at getting that many steps in either day. I was disappointed because we went on a nature walk and just stood around the camp site.
I finally got my 10,000 steps in yesterday. That included a 1.78 mile walk with E, laundry, cleaning the house, and the still walking ~700 steps in the house just to get over the 10,000 mark! I was tired. I will work my way up to more walking with E though. She enjoys the walks and usually falls asleep.
I took a picture of myself in my new swimsuit. I haven't bought a swimsuit since 2007. And it covered my stomach. This does not. Oy! I am not happy with how I look. But I
am working on it.

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