Thursday, February 20, 2014

Size 4 Shorts!

I am starting this post with no title! AH! I usually have a title in mind but I can't think of one right now.

I was 135.8 on my scale yesterday! Woot! That is exciting. I walked 20,500 steps on Tuesday and 16,000 steps yesterday. We walked 6.5 miles (E fell asleep for an hour of that so there was no crying) on Tuesday and 4.5 yesterday. My legs are sore and so are my shins. I need new shoes. I have had these running shoes since Nov. 2010. I remember that because my dad and I went Thanksgiving that year to the Run On store. They have one kind of close to me so I am going to go there next weekend. Have too much going on this weekend to buy new ones.

I also bought myself some new shorts. I went to American Eagle. I tried on SIZE 4?! They fit! They were snug around the waist, which is normal for me, but heeeck yeah! I have to fit shorts around my butt and thighs or they sag and feel too loose.

So this is what I love about Weight Watchers. I can eat the below and it's only 5 points plus! And I am full...for a while at least. I only make this when I have time (not on morning I have to take the kids to school). I will eat a Special K Flatbread sandwich which is also 6 PP. But strawberries keep my digestive system moving. :P I eat it with Reddi Whip because I don't like strawberries.

1 Egg 2 PP
1 Egg White 0 PP
1 Cup strawberries 0 PP
6 TBSP Reddi Whip 1 PP
2 Slices of Bacon 3 PP

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