Thursday, March 13, 2014


I didn't weigh in this week. We went on vacation to Santa Fe, NM. And well I wanted to I did! I haven't had sopapilla in probably 10 years. We have lots of Mexican food here but sopapillas are not just given to you as part of the meal. They were glorious!! I came back and I'd gained 2lbs...IT WAS SO WORTH IT! Haha. I would rather eat mostly what I want and enjoy vacation than be strict with my points. I lost most of it in a day because well my body can drop what it gained fairly easily with just a day or 2 of eating well.

I take my monthly pictures on Monday. I wish I could see more change like I used to but I'll keep working on that. I haven't eaten that well the last 2 nights. E has been really clingy and 90% of the time I have to eat with her. When she's sleeping or hubby has her I want to eat eat eat!

See you Monday!

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