Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weigh in Day

It's been a rough week. I've been working on getting baby E to sleep in her crib longer. Once I have her down all I want to do is eat. So I have been late night eating. I know that is not ideal or beneficial at all but it's just what I do...emotional eating. I had every intention of eating within my points on Sunday but my husband said we were going to eat Mexican with his parents and I HAD to eat. I have zero self control with Mexican food. Ha.

Yesterday I ate within my points and walked 6.5 miles. I got back down a few ounces lower than last week. I knew it wouldn't be much of a weight loss, but I don't care. I don't like to see the gain.

Weight at Home: 133.1
Weight at WW: 133.8
Weekly Loss: -.4
Total Loss: -27.4
Pounds until Goal: 3.8lbs

-.4 for the week. Not bad seeing as though I didn't do that great. My goal this week is to track everything and FINALLY see 132 on the scale at home. I am back to where I was when I stopped back in November. Took me almost 2 months. My own fault but I like the slow weight loss.

I got this weird charm today that I earned. It was for going 4 weeks in a row. I don't really know what it does but it's kind of cool. Just a little memento.

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