Thursday, March 20, 2014

Weigh in #30!

Weight at Home: 133.4
Weight at WW: 134.2
Weekly Loss: -.8
Total Loss: -27.0

I was happy with the loss. That is coming off playing catch up from vacation.

I have walked twice this week. We were going to try and walk 3 times but the wind and weather just wouldn't allow it. We walked 6.3 miles on Monday and 4.8 miles yesterday. E is starting to last longer in the stroller. I used to bring my Beco with me in case she started SCREAMING but now that she is big enough I give her toys, crackers, etc.

I am hoping I will see 132 on my home scale this week. I haven't seen 132 since before I was pregnant with kiddo #2! That was 2007/2008!!

Edit to add: I have my first follower!! woohoo! Shout out to my first follower! hehe

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