Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weigh in #11

Weight at home: 144.6

Weight Watchers Weight: 145.2

That means I made my 10% goal. I have lost 10% of my body weight! That is 16lbs!

I only lost .2 this week. I did not eat that great, I rarely tracked and I didn't work out. I only needed to lose .2 to make my 10% goal though. It's hard to believe I have lost that much weight. 16lbs!

I want to list the things I am not happy about my body. I don't think right now it is productive, but I want to look back and see if it's changed.

My stomach is still were most of my weight is. I assumed it would shrink more since I am below what I was even at my 150 before E.

My arms.

My love handles.

I know I could work on all of this by doing exercises that would target those areas. But I don't have that much time or motivation to do it. I did play soccer with G last night. My legs are sore. Maybe I should do that more often. Change stuff up. Also, a tragedy of epic proportions happened. I lost my fitbit for 2 days! lol It's okay now, because I found it.

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