Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thoughts on feeling stuck

I have been so focused on getting to my pre-pregnancy weight that I feel weird that I am still losing after it. I am at 145.8 which is below that. I feel like I am stuck, even though I am not stuck. It doesn't feel real that I am still losing the weight. 130 seems so far away. Yet, I have lost 15lbs in 10 weeks. How is that possible?!

I think part of why I feel stuck is my clothes still fit differently. I am guessing it is because of the pregnancy itself. Which is okay. I can handle that. I am nervous that once I get to 130 I still won't be happy. I guess that is what the journey is about. The theme of this blog is to love myself ON this journey. Love my body the way it is before I make it. If I don't love my body now, I know I won't be happy once I make it to 130.

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