Thursday, April 17, 2014

The last 2 weigh in's and monthly measurements!

Weigh in from 4/8:

I had not done the best at eating the week prior and I'd missed my normal weigh in so I knew I needed to weigh in even though I was afraid of gaining that week. I had to go in on Wednesday which was nice because they open early that day.

WW: 132.8
-1.0 officially (that was a loss from 2 weeks)

Weigh in from Tuesday 4/15:

At home: 131.3 (OMG YAY!)
WW: 132.2
TOTAL: -29lbs!

My WW year anniversary is next Wednesday. I am thinking about going in on Wednesday just so I can do it on my year. I'd love to lose 1lb this week so I can have an even 30lbs for the year.

Today is my year from starting measuring and pictures!

Weight: 131.3
Waist (stomach) -5.5 inches
Hips: -3.5 inches
Bust: -4 inches

Left Arm/Leg: 10.5in/20.25in
Right Arm/Leg: 10in/20.75in

03/17/14     04/17/14

04/17/13            04/17/14

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