Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weigh In #20

139.7 - Weight at home
139.6 - weight watchers weight
Total weight loss: 21.6!

That is -1.6!!

Finally! I haven't had this much weight loss since the summer! I ate really good this week. I walked several times. My friend and I walked 4.6 miles yesterday! I am 9.6lbs away from my goal weight. I am a few pounds away from not being considered 'overweight'. I bought a pair of size 4 shorts from Target today! I am very excited. I rewarded myself with a Dr. Pepper today. Also, the other thing I did this week was only drink 1 diet coke per day. I did that, mostly. hehe. I also didn't eat after 6/7pm. 

The number one thing I do worry about is my milk. Which, as of right now, has not suffered at all. So that is a plus. Yay. Until next week.

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