Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Weigh In #17

Weight at Home: 140.1
Weight Watchers Weight: 141.4
Loss this week: -.8
Total weight loss: 19.8

I am happy with that weight loss this week. I worked hard the last 3 days. My hubby is trying to lose about 10lbs so he makes us lunch and dinner. I eat a better balance of food when he cooks. He is a good cook so I know it will be healthy and yummy.

The one thing I am struggling with is actually SEEING the difference. I can not see the difference in my body. I see the scale going down, but it doesn't register. I am sure there is something wrong in my wiring somewhere, but I can't figure it out.

I am feeling better spiritually. Not 100% but better. 

I don't think my postpartum belly will be normal until about 9-12 months after E was born. I am almost 6 lbs less than but my clothes fit everywhere but my stomach. So weird. I don't remember it being like this before, but before I was drunk. Ha. 

So hopefully next week I will have lost 20lbs!

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