Friday, August 9, 2013

I have no title today

I am starting this post with out a title. I feel like writing but I don't really know what this is about yet. I do know that I am finally staying in the 142's. I feeeeel lighter. I feel better. I was thinking the other day I do not feel tired at 2-3 in the afternoon like I used to. I don't really know why that is different. I used to work 8-5 and be at a desk most of the day. Now I stay at home so I am more active during the day. The kids start school in 2 weeks, which I am definitely ready for, and I can get into a walking routine again. I have walked 3 times this week. I was going to walk this morning but I was lazy.

We went over to my sister's house last night for my mom's birthday. I ate over my points on Wednesday so I was doing my best to stay in my points yesterday. Hubby and I met with some people for his work and we went to Whiskey Cake. They do not have healthy options. I just ended up getting a burger. I ate the twisty fries too. I knew I shouldn't have but I did. I also could not find the nutrition fact anywhere. I had to guess. Annoying. Whatever.

My hubby tells me all the time I am getting skinnier. He is seeing it more and more. I am glad he says it unprompted. My sister and her husband also told me they haven't seen me this skinny in a long time. It honestly made me feel so good. I have worked hard on losing this weight and people are noticing. Hell, I've lost almost 20lbs since April.

It's weird to think I might actually get to my goal weight. I have been wanting to get to this weight since I had my almost 5 year old. :)

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